Press Release Book Review by National Blogger : Motherhood-Moment

We live in a culture of outrage and instant gratification. Too many of us play the blame game, thinking our problems can be solved externally and quickly. Behaving Bravely: How to Mindshift Life's Challenges by Anita K is a must-read for anyone looking to make a lasting change in their lives. Anita, a motivational life coach in Southern California, takes readers into her world of self-discovery, hardship, and struggle. By sharing her personal story, Anita helps readers learn from her journey in order to find their own path. 

Anita’s philosophy is that we can only achieve the things we believe we can. Her message is that it’s essential we approach any problem, situation, or challenge from the most positive angle and emphasize the need to go from mindbreak to mindshift…paradigm changing. These two activities describe the incredible power of transforming yourself from the inside out to improve your world.

Anita developed her approach to behaving and living bravely through her own life struggles. She battled self-confidence issues growing up in a traditional Indian home and as a minority in Southern California, experiencing intense social pressure to be like everyone else. So, when she met and married the love of her life, she thought she had at last found true happiness. Unfortunately, months after the birth of their first child, her husband succumbed to depression and alcoholism. Years of misery ensued. Desperate for solutions and support, and after receiving strategic coping skills to turn her life around, Anita plunged deeper into personal development, reading countless books, seeing therapists, and even traveling to India to obtain guidance on self-knowledge and mindfulness.

Anita’s loneliness nearly crippled her, cheating her of life’s beauty. Undaunted by her pain, she rose up, behaving bravely to wrest her life back. Anita gained something more valuable than happiness; she found purpose: to help others find their bravery.

“Through a decade of personal and professional devastation and setbacks, I realized I did not have the tools to move forward through my pain,” Anita says. “To remove my blockages, I embarked on a quest for solutions in order to live BETTER. Then came the hard work: turning my limited beliefs to beneficial beliefs. I had to shift my mindset and learn how to behave bravely.”

Using her life story, experiences and journey, Anita outlines her BRAVE principles, along with helpful step-by-step tools, affirmations, and exercises offering readers practical, yet accessible mechanisms for positive transformational growth. 

I had a chance to interview the author to learn more.

Why did you write this book?
Like so many, I spent years seeking the right path to happiness. For a part of my adult life, I felt lost and unfulfilled due to my divorce, losing a parent, financial devastation, losing my business, and learning how to navigate around the shame and helplessness I endured. As much as I wanted to change, I was afraid to change until life forced me to make a much needed transformation. I had to learn the courage to be brave to find relief, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and self acceptance and more importantly learn how to be personally responsible for my own empowerment.

How do you define bravery?
I believe what BRAVE means today is what I personally discovered as some fundamental truths:
- Starting over is healthy
- There is value in self-actualization
-We can redesign/reframe relationships through mindful communication
-Choosing forgiveness over resentment and exercising deep compassion
-Living our authentic selves

Why is a shift in mindset so important before we can behave bravely?
Many of us have one or more goals and destinations to reach and holding ourselves back due to underlying conscious and unconscious fears. In my book, I formulate the BRAVE paradigm that outlines a personal roadmap by rewriting new self-beliefs with a mindshifing perspective to help us improve our view on our career, relationships, and even personal development. True mastery and self transformation is a work in progress and relies on strong commitment. Mindset through mindshifting weans yourself away from negative habits and embrace more constructive thoughts and behaviors. When are are a little more alert, focused, we find ourselves a little happier and tackle life and the unexpected with levels of hope and optimism. It ultimately takes a brave mindset.

As both a motivational life coach and strategic talent manager, Anita K offers progressive solutions to help her clients optimize their strengths and create a pathway of success. Holding a B.S. in Marketing from USC, Anita spent 20 years in career coaching & talent acquisition. Her expertise in talent development, leadership and training in motivational techniques create a unique and effective life coaching philosophy. She is the life coach for TGR, a Southern California Transgender support group and the author of Behaving Bravely strategies on managing life through mind shift perspectives To learn more about Anita K, visit her website,


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