3 Good Work Habits

Work never seems to stop and bad habits at work aren’t helping. So, how do we increase our productivity while we are at work so we don’t feel like we’re constantly playing catch-up.

When you realize that you have a bad habit you have to retrain your inner voice about the habit that you want to be changing. Realizing a bad habit is only the first step to overcoming it. We have to make conscious decisions and establish intention to beat bad habits. Once you truly decide to overcome it, it’s much easier.

There’s nothing wrong with seeking support at work. Everyone needs support whether it’s advice or accountability. Don’t be shy about sharing a struggle and getting the support you need to become the person you want to be.

Make sure you are planning and preparing the necessary actions to overcome a bad habit. Do you need to change your environment and make changes to your routine? Planning and preparing will put you in the mind set you need to overcome any habit getting in your way.


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